is similar to Flurl in that it is a very simple REST library and also offers on a Fluent API. ServiceStack.HttpClient is part of a huge ServiceStack suite.
ServiceStack offers several implementations: Http Utils (Fluent API based on a string (like Flurl)), or also specific clients, like for Json with the JsonServiceClient (Http Client).
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Http Client
The Http Client is ServiceStack’s recommended package for HTTP clients, especially for its own products. However, you can use the client for any Json-based REST API.
IServiceClient client = new JsonHttpClient("");
// Get single task
TaskApiModel? task = await client.GetAsync<TaskApiModel?>("tasks/123");
// Get all tasks
List<TaskApiModel> tasks = await client.GetAsync<List<TaskApiModel>>("tasks");
// Add new task
TaskApiCreateModel newTask = new TaskApiCreateModel { Title = "Buy flowers" };
TaskApiModel addedTask = await client.PostAsync<TaskApiModel>("tasks", newTask);
The big advantage is that the library is attached to a powerful product and additional built-in features like caching and debug print are provided.
Http Utils
The Http Utils are aimed by ServiceStack primarily at APIs that do not provide a ready-made SDK and behaves similarly to Flurl.
// Get single task
string taskResponse = await "".GetJsonFromUrlAsync();
TaskApiModel? task = taskResponse.FromJson<TaskApiModel?>();
// Get all tasks
string tasksResponse = await "".GetJsonFromUrlAsync();
List<TaskApiModel> tasks = tasksResponse.FromJson<List<TaskApiModel>>();
// Add new task
TaskApiCreateModel newTask = new TaskApiCreateModel { Title = "Buy flowers" };
string addedTaskResponse = await "".PostJsonToUrlAsync(newTask);
TaskApiModel addedTask = addedTaskResponse.FromJson<TaskApiModel>();
The biggest disadvantage of utils is that any serialization must be programmed yourself and you have little to no type safety.
Full Sample
See the full sample on GitHub: