
About Flurl: a modern, fluent, asynchronous, testable, portable, buzzword-laden URL builder and HTTP client library for .NET

Flurl Repo stars is similar to RestSharp in that it is a very simple REST library, but is based entirely on a Fluent API (like ServiceStack Http Utils).

Flurl provides an initital extension method on any string that should represent a url. Then, the request or query can be created accordingly using a Fluent API with extension methods.

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string apiUrl = "my-rest-api.com";

// Get single task
TaskApiModel? task = await $"{apiUrl}/tasks/123".GetJsonAsync<TaskApiModel?>();

// Get all tasks
List<TaskApiModel> tasks = await $"{apiUrl}/tasks".GetJsonAsync<List<TaskApiModel>>();

// Add new task
TaskApiCreateModel newTask = new TaskApiCreateModel { Title = "Buy flowers" };
TaskApiModel addedTask = await $"{apiUrl}/tasks"

  • Easy to understand.
  • Very intuitive programming style.
  • API call with one single line of code.


  • Relatively many allocations necessary and therefore more inefficient in comparison.
  • More implementation effort, since a wrapper is always necessary in real applications.
  • If it goes beyond simple scenarios, you have to do a lot of programming yourself.
  • Offering extension methods on any string is not necessarily the best idea: often not wanted and quite considered anti pattern and falls under developer noise.

Full Sample

See the full sample on GitHub: https://github.com/BenjaminAbt/dotnet.rest-samples