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1 - POST or PUT

Should I use POST or PUT?

Again and again the question comes up: POST or PUT?

The answer is: it depends. Because both POST and PUT have their respective usage, which is different from each other in terms of content and logic.

When to use POST?

POST is a request to the server that is not idemponent.
This means that, unlike a PUT request, the server does not have to behave identically when identical requests are sent.

Real example: if you send ten requests to the server via PUT, the server would create ten different resources (with different ids, e.g. Guids).

POST is therefore used to create new resources; either directly to a collection (/api/tasks) or as a child collection (e.g. /api/tasks/123/persons) of an existing resource.

Technically, POST requests will not be cached.

When to use PUT?

The most important point: a PUT request is always idepontent.
This means: if a request is used in identical form multiple times to the server, then the API must behave exactly the same as if only one request was sent.\

Real example: if you send ten requests to the server via PUT, the server would only create a single resource.

  • When a PUT request is sent to a collection (/api/tasks) then that resource is added to the collection.
  • When a PUT request is sent to a resource identifier (/api/tasks/123) then that resource will be completely replaced (no update, there’s PATCH for that!).

Although a PUT request supports caching in principle, this is not recommended in most cases.


  • Use PUT for unique operations against a collection (“insert”) or resource (“replace”)
  • Use POST to add new resources to a collection (“add”)

2 - HTTP Status Codes

HTTP Status Codes best practises

In REST, HTTP status codes are used to tell the client whether its request has been accepted. Likewise, the status code contains information so that the client knows what is happening with the content of the request.

For example, the server can process a request synchronously and respond with 200 (Ok), but it can also perform sequential actions asynchronously and the client only receives information that the request was accepted (201, Created).

It is therefore very important to implement REST APIs in such a way that the status codes are used correctly.

Status Code ranges

The first digit of the Status Code defines the class of response.

Status Code Category Description
1xx Informational The request received. Process is still ongoing.
2xx Success The request was received and accepted successfully.
3xx Redirection An additional action must be taken in order to complete the request.
4xx Client Error The request contains a (validation) error, bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled.
5xx Server Error The server failed.