URL Design
URL best practises to design resource identifiers
REST is based on the HTTP protocol with all its advantages and disadvantages. The reason for this was that HTTP was already a de facto standard for content network communication at that time and maximum server and client compatibility was a high priority.
HTTP is also technology-independent, so that data can be transferred securely and validly even between different systems, runtimes and frameworks.
HTTP URLs are the main point of the REST API design. The structure of URLs therefore have a scheme that you should follow, if you want to develop a good HTTP API.
URLs are also what is visible first later - for example in documentations - and thus can lead to a first judgment about an API quality. The better and more standardized the structure of the URLs, the better the API will be received by developers.
See more: URL Design
REST has no real rule about what kind of format is transmitted as long as the content is based on plaintext: the developer decides whether XML, Json, or some other format is returned. Many APIs also support via HTTP Header (Content-Type
) multiple formats for content transfer, e.g. Json and XML.
See more: REST Formats
See more: REST Alternatives
URL best practises to design resource identifiers
REST Formats
The path to adulthood of an API